3 Year Plant-Based Diet Review
I have been plant-based for the last three years and some change. I love the changes in my life since switching my nutritional habits, but it hasn’t been easy. Plant-based eating can be somewhat of a controversial topic. Often from those who have never eaten a plant-based diet. I am by no means an expert on nutrition, but I would like to share my experience after over three years of eating a plant-based diet and hopefully provide insight for those interested in the topic
“How do you get enough protein?” Often a question I am asked about my plant-based diet. In my opinion, protein quantity is one of the biggest concerns or mysteries of plant-based nutrition. How do you get protein from plants? Simple, eat plant foods with high levels of protein. Plant-based sources of protein include; legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds. After three years, I have discovered that centering meals around legumes has been the best way to get an adequate level of protein for my lifestyle. I work out almost every day and shoot to get roughly 1g of protein/.8lbs -1lb of bodyweight. This nutritional strategy has tremendously improved my eating habits. Tofu, tempeh, and all types of beans are excellent sources of protein. Treating legumes the same way that most people who eat a traditional diet treat meat has been a significant development of my plant-based nutrition.
After a couple of years of being plant-based, you start to question why you are doing this in the first place. For me, this often comes after being asked questions by others or getting teased by others. I completely respect anyone’s opinion on how they choose to eat, but it does seem that some people just don’t get it. The more I have researched into plant-based eating, I have discovered that the health of the environment is the most significant benefit. Us humans are destroying the earth. Industrial farming is a factor in that. This article will not go into great detail on the horrors of this industry, but they are pretty bad. I encourage everyone who is reading this article to do their research. I choose not to support an industry that I believe is harmful to the planet and the health of society. With that being said, the more time being plant-based, the more relaxed I am about it towards other people.
When I first went plant-based, it seemed like a rebellion against the evil villains of society. It was me vs. the world. Other people don’t understand they don’t get it. After the first couple of months, I grew to accept the fact that others have a different opinion, and that’s okay. Not everyone thinks like you, deal with it. Instead of arguing, finding a way to inform others has been a much more effective way of “spreading the word.” From my experience, it is a lot easier to show people or answer questions than trying to convince someone on how they should eat.
People will often ask, “Are you going to try and convert me?”. At first, this was an infuriating question. I’m choosing not to eat meat for my health, the health of the planet, and the good of society and you’re talking about it like its some weird religious cult!? As I have grown to accept that others have different opinions, I have also come to realize that most people who are not plant-based have not done much actual research into the topic. Not that you need to read nutritional studies or journals, but most people have not even googled the subject. I found that merely pointing people towards sources that have been helpful to you is much more useful than telling someone they need to go look at certain content. Often that person will have a much different opinion about plant-based nutrition after a small amount of time educating themselves on the topic.
Another area of interest that I get asked about is animal product alternatives such as burgers, cheese, butter, and ice cream. At this point, almost every animal product has some kind of plant-based alternative or substitute. In my opinion, I don’t consider many of these products healthy but I am in support of these products and do consume many of them myself. While a fake burger is not healthy it does drastically reduce the harm on the environment. Even though I choose not to consume dairy I agree that cheese is delicious. These alternatives/ substitutes allow for some flexibility and offer consumers a chance to eat their favorite foods in a more sustainable way.
Even though I would one hundred percent go plant-based again if I had to relive my life, there have been some growing pains. As mentioned above, it is essential to get adequate protein and sufficient calories. It does take some time to adjust your eating and cooking habits. Another growing pain is learning how to make the most in less than optimal situations. For example, when you go to a restaurant with friends or family, and there is not a plant-based option. I have found that it can be wise to look at the menu before you go or, in some cases, eat before. I have found that in some ways, the social aspects of eating plant-based has been the most challenging. After my experience being plant-based, it is completely worth it! Your body and mind feel amazing. Digestion has became an easy process, and there is very little sluggishness after meals. I have found that I have more energy and increased mental clarity. Even more importantly, my experience being plant-based has helped me to feel as if my habits can be one minuscule piece in saving our beautiful planet!