“Did You Even Lift, Bro?”: Considerations for a Safe & Healthy Return to Resistance Training Post-Quarantine
Unless you’re one of the fortunate few to have an in-home fitness center, or have been rebelliously sneaking into your local gym, you’ve likely had to make due with little-to-no equipment to train with over the past few months. Whether you’ve been running, creating bodyweight circuits or even purchased a set of bands & kettlebells to spice things up, the following article will detail some important considerations to make your transition back to the gym as smooth as possible, whether your priority is to get back in the squat rack, trim a little body fat, or just hit some curls to fill out the sleeves for summer time!
Consideration #1: Exercise Selection
Before rushing to the squat rack, bench press or deadlift platform, first ask yourself — when was the last time I performed this exercise? Moreover, when was the last time I performed this type of movement with any significant resistance or external load? If it’s been more than a week or two, which for most of us is likely, then it would probably be a safe bet to regress the exercise to a simpler, less-load dominant movement. A general progression, for any given movement, could look something like this -
Bodyweight (or assisted) → Resistance Band → Dumbbell or Kettlebell → Barbell → Loaded Ballistic Movements (Plyometrics)
The band-resisted step could be removed, while machines could also be inserted before DB/KB work to introduce external load in a more-controlled plane & fashion, though typically only recommended for general fitness, as machines do not replicate dynamic, gravity-based movement. A sample exercise progression for squatting & horizontal pressing, respectively, could look like this -
Air Squat → Band-Resisted Squat → Goblet Squat → KB Front-Rack Squat → Barbell Squat (Front, Back, Box, etc)
Incline or Band-Assisted Pushup → Pushup → DB Bench Press → BB Bench Press
This isn’t to say that each variation has to be performed & mastered before moving onto the next, nor must they be completed in isolation. Depending on your goals & training status, some or even all of the above variations could co-exist within a training cycle. However, factoring in that it’s been at least 2–3 months since you’ve completed the more load-based variations on the right end of the spectrum, it would most likely serve you well to start towards the left side, and progress on a week-to-week basis.
Consideration #2: Volume & Intensity
Even if you pick the most conservative movements possible, going “0 to 100” with volume and/or intensity can quickly negate your “safe” exercise selection! Similar questions can be asked here — have I performed this exercise recently? How many sets & reps (“volume”) did I complete last time? How much weight (“intensity”) did I use? How much rest (“density”) did I take between sets? Thanks to the innovative research of performance specialist Tim Gabbett, we know that we never want to increase total week-to-week workload by more than 10–20%, with a safer, more conservative range probably being around 5–10%. While you may not care to calculate your workouts at that level of detail, a good rule of thumb is to never significantly increase volume and intensity at the same time.
The less inherently intense that an exercise is, such as a bodyweight movement, the more volume the system will be able to handle & adapt to, at least initially. Contrarily, the more inherently intense the exercise, such as a barbell back squat, the less total volume (via reps) and intensity (via absolute weight, or percentage of 1-repetition maximum, aka “1-RM”) should be initially performed. Though there is no such thing as a “one size fits all” exercise prescription, here are hypothetical volume & intensity progressions for three different squat exercise variations, with the goal of eliciting adaptation without eliciting excessive soreness -
Exercise: Bodyweight Squat
Note: Read “3 x 10” as three sets of 10 repetitions, with appropriate rest (or another exercise, known as a superset) between each set
Week 1: 2 x 15 → Week 2: 2 x 25 → Week 3: 3 x 20 → Week 4: 3 x 30
Exercise: DB/KB Goblet Squat
Note: Weights used here are arbitrary; dictated by strength levels & training history
Week 1: 2 x 10 @ 30–35lbs → Week 2: 2 x 12 @ 35–40lbs →
Week 3: 3 x 8 @ 35–45lbs → Week 4: 3 x 10 @ 40–50lbs
Exercise: Barbell Back Squat
Note: If you do not have an up-to-date or realistic 1-RM, you can replace percentages with a 1–10 using a Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale (sample below, eg. 70% = 7/10)
Week 1: 2 x 6 @ 60–65% → Week 2: 2 x 8 @ 65–70% →
Week 3: 3 x 6 @ 65–75% → Week 4: 3 x 8 @ 70–80%
Consideration #3: Frequency & Duration
The next major decision to make is how many times, and for how long, do you plan to go to the gym? For strength training, 3–5x per week @ 45–75mins can be adequate, while weight loss typically requires more like 5–7x per week @ around 30–60mins. Keeping in mind the volume & intensity considerations previously discussed, you generally want to make sure that you are a) not doing the same workout or exercises two days in a row and b) are alternating higher- and lower-intensity days to allow for recovery, especially earlier on. Sample training splits could look like this -
Goal: Size & Strength Development
Option A -
- MWF Total Body Lift (higher intensity)
- Tu/Th Cardio and/or Skill Development (lower intensity)
Option B -
- MTuThF Upper/Lower Lift Split, OR (higher intensity)
- Total Body Push/Pull Lift Split (moderate-high intensity)
- Wed Aerobic Cardio, Skill Development and/or Active Recovery (low intensity)
Goal: Weight Loss & Body Composition Improvement
- MWF Total Body Circuit/Metabolic Lift (higher intensity)
- TuThSa Cardio, & Core (lower intensity)
For a more detailed look at training splits & conditioning options based on goals, see our previous article here.
Consideration #4: Recovery!
Last, but certainly not least, especially early on as you work to (re)build strength & fitness levels, is ensuring that adequate time for recovery is allowed. For the splits detailed above, suggesting 5–6x days/week of training, the total, cumulative “volume” will be fairly high (in terms of frequency), so the overall “intensity” cannot be too great each day. Starting back with a 3–4x/week training split, however, can allow for a little more intensity, since the day between workouts will allow for musculoskeletal & central nervous system (CNS) recovery. Additionally, the incorporation of a sound diet, including adequate protein consumption, and some over-the-counter vitamins & supplements can help aid the body’s natural recovery processes such as adequate sleep, hydration & relaxation. The following are some “essential” & “non-essential” recovery techniques that can support your training -
“Essential” Recovery
- 7–9hrs sleep/night (healthy adults) or 8–10hrs/night (adolescents & teens)
- Helpful “sleep hygiene” checklist found here
- Drinking at least half of your bodyweight (lbs) in fluid ounces of water
- PLUS replacing any weight lost during exercise by 1–1.5x fl. Oz.
- Eg. 160lbs BW = at least 80oz. water/day PLUS replacement of fluids lost during training (up to 1.5x)
- Adequate calories & nutrients via appropriate meals & snacks (typically at least 1,200–2,000kcal/day for healthy adults)
- At least half of your BW (lbs) in protein (grams)
- Eg. 160lbs BW = at least 80g/protein (up to ~1x BW for regular resistance training)
“Non-Essential” Recovery (Aids & Supplements)
- Low-intensity, aerobic activity (heart rate ~90–120bpm x ~20–60mins)
- Treadmill or outdoor walk, yoga, bodyweight or mobility circuit
- Protein Powder/Drink (~20–40g within ~30mins of resistance training session)
- 100% whey typically best for immediate post-workout consumption
- Multi-Vitamin/Mineral
- To cover any & all nutrients not consumed regularly via diet
- Muscle recovery, joint & soreness aids, including
- Omega-3 Fish Oil (inflammation aid; specifically EPA and/or DHA)
- Glucosamine-Chondroitin (joint support)
- Glutamine (expedited muscle recovery / reduction of soreness)
As mentioned, there is no such thing as the “perfect” program, especially amidst an extended quarantine & global pandemic; each person’s situation will be unique. The goal is to use the above considerations to tailor your long-awaited gym return to find the sweet spot of what you’re prepared for with what your longer-term aspirations are. If you do so, we’re confident that you’ll be on track to reach your goals!
As always, if you’d like to learn more, or are interested in a training program, don’t hesitate to send us an email at JWesFitness@gmail.com!