How to stay consistent with your workouts during the COVID-19 Pandemic

4 min readApr 12, 2020


The COVID-19 Pandemic has drastically altered our daily routines. You probably feel that you are not getting the same level of exercise that you did before words like “quarantine” and “lockdown” became the new norm for the world. Commercial gyms, Crossfit Boxes, and even the local park are now luxuries that we all once took for granted. Without these locations, we feel cut off from the human relationships that fuel our work out regiments. The personnel aspects of training add motivation, companionship, and accountability to a person’s fitness experience, which uplift their body, mind, and soul. With that in mind, it is still my belief that anyone can maintain their workout regiment AND get the gains he or she wants during this challenging time. Here are four strategies that will help your workout routine thrive during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Have a goal. Repeat after me, HAVE A GOAL. Having a specific, definable, and measurable goal will help you stay motivated. Working out without a purpose or intent is like getting in your car and driving without having a destination. You don’t know where you want to go. Think about what results you would like from your training? For example, if your goal is to lose weight, then set a target weight and a target date. I want to lose 15–20lbs in the next four months. That would be a reasonable goal with a measurable outcome.

Once you have set your goal, write it down. You are more likely to achieve your goal if you write it down. You now know and have reinforced in your mind what your purpose is when you train. Make sure that your goal gets you motivated to work out. For example, having a goal of being more “toned” or “losing five pounds” might not be exciting enough to get you off the couch. A more ambitious and motivating goal would be along the lines of “being able to do 50 consecutive push-ups and grow my arms by 1” in the next four months before my upcoming beach trip.” That is a goal that is measurable, attainable, and exciting enough to motivate you to train.

Now that you have your goal written down set your workout schedule. In your calendar, write down when you are going to go workout and set those sessions as appointments. That way, you can block off that time for your training. I always suggest making your training as consistent as possible. Try and set your exercise schedule for the same time on the same days every week. That way, it can become part of your routine. After a few weeks of making your workouts part of your schedule, it will become a habit. I understand that not everyone has the luxury of a consistent schedule. Let’s say that you don’t have the luxury of long term weekly or monthly planning. You plan your daily activities the night before. The night before, when you are organizing your daily tasks, you can block in your training time. From 3:30–4:00 I know that you will have 30 minutes to train. Write it down and put it in your calendar. That way, you are making time to work out, not just trying to squeeze it in during your day.

Strategy #4: BE ADAPTABLE
One important tip during the COVID-19 Pandemic is to be adaptable. Find a way to make it work. There are plenty of ways to reach your fitness goals with bodyweight alone. There are hundreds to thousands of free and paid resources for at-home-workouts. Dumbbells, barbells, and machines are simply tools. There are plenty of ways to reach your fitness goals with little to no equipment. If you do decide to spend some money, that is still a terrific step towards your goals. Putting some financial skin in the game can be a great way to stay motivated to train. Understand that it will take time to adapt to your new training environment. If you are used to meeting your trainer at a luxury facility for a private session, your living room might be a bit of a change. Please stay patient and realize that you will get better at training at home the same way that got better training in a gym!

Now is THE time for action — plan to hit your goal and believe that it is going to happen. Even if you are unable to hit your target, you have taken steps in the right direction, and you should be proud of your efforts. This Pandemic will end, and when it does, you will look back at this moment where you took huge steps towards becoming the best version of yourself!



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